From a Windows computer (on-campus)
Your password must be at least 8 characters, and should contain a combination of numbers, upper- and lowercase letters, and at least one special character (e.g. !, @, $, %, #)
- Log into a school computer with your Sierra credentials
- After sign in completes, press CTRL-ALT-DELETE on the keyboard.
- Select "Change a Password"
- Follow the on-screen prompts
Online at
- Open in a web browser and click "Sign In"
- If prompted for a Microsoft login, enter your email address and click "Next"
- At the Sierra Canyon Sign In page, enter your user name and password and click "Sign In"
- Click your initials in the upper right corner and select "My Account"
- Click "Change Password" in the Password section
- Follow the on-screen prompts to change your password and click "Submit." Your new password must be at least 8 characters, and should contain a combination of numbers, upper- and lowercase letters, and at least one special character (e.g. !, @, $, %, #).